The sky's the limit.



As freshman engineering students, we knew nothing about running a project, managing a cross-discipline team or designing a near-space system. But we asked ourselves: what's the most bad-ass project we could achieve with nothing but our passion to learn more?

The result was StratoSAT, a micro-satellite platform armed with cameras and sensors with a launch system combining a rocket and balloons. The payloads, depending on the modular rocket design, can travel into near-space at well over 100,000 ft. More importantly, we made it an open platform to inspire other students: it's easy to customize, and has a combined cost of under $1,000.


We want to help millions of students around the world launch their own StratoSATs, conduct near-space experiments, and share that "wow" moment when they get their results back.


Rocket + Balloons = "Rockoon"

To maximize payload altitude while complying with FAA requirements, we developed a hybrid launch method where the rocket launches from the balloon-lifted tube.

launch tube.jpg

The rocket is secured until the moment of launch



The primary payload is packed with sensors, cameras, batteries, and the rocket launch controller.

We tested the passive and active thermal protection package to withstand the extreme conditions high above.


The rocket payload, along with wind speed data, allowed us to predict, track, and measure the system's trajectory and performance.


Our Team

You’re neither American nor a mechanical engineer. How did you become the chair of ASME??
— An incisive friend

Everything started with our team. Founded by freshmen with ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), we recruited students from all classes and majors. As an Electrical and Computer Engineering major, I was not only welcomed by everyone but put in charge of the rocket division soon after I joined. This team showed me how to work with people from all backgrounds and combine our talents to achieve exciting new goals. Thanks to them, I would go on to lead the StratoSAT project and eventually ASME at Lafayette.

This was the first experience for many of us working with a budget, a timeline, safety protocols and government regulations. 

To effectively address our challenges, we divided our project into sub-teams:

  • Balloon and Flight Modeling Team
  • Payload Team
  • Rocket Team
  • Testing Team

Concept & Ideation

Mission II sketch 2 .png

When we started the project, the most popular way for students to send a payload into near-space was by using "BalloonSATs", which were simply payloads attached to high-altitude balloons. However, there's a limit to how high any given balloon can reach, and we wanted to create something more capable.

Our idea was simple: rocket + balloons. By launching the rocket at the maximum altitude attained by the balloons, we not only combine the capabilities of the two methods, but also gain efficiency due to the significantly reduced drag at high altitudes compared to the ground.

We later found that NASA also explored this idea.


Challenges & Constraints


A satellite launch system comes with many constraints. Here are just a few to begin with:

  • Legality & regulations
  • Flight modeling
  • Stability in 200 mph winds
  • Temperatures of -65°C
  • Extreme condition rocket ignition
  • Zero use of machine shops and power tools

To ensure the success of the mission, each challenge must be assessed, addressed and tested for.


Testing & Modeling


The initial designs were iterated and tested to ensure their performance in such challenging environments. For factors that were unrealistic to test - for instance, the flight path of the system - we used software and data to help model and simulate the outcome.


The flight path of the balloon-lifted system was simulated with available data to determine the ideal launch site.

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The payload capsule's thermal solution including insulation and chemical hand warmers was tested with dry ice (-78°C) and measured using thermocouples. 

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The payload's descent rate was measured using drop test video analysis. The rocket's ability to ignite in extreme conditions was verified with a test chamber at 0 psig exposed to -70°F for 45 minutes.

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Mission Recap

  • System launched on Dec 3, 2011 from Altoona, PA
  • T + 10 min: primary payload GPS loss of signal
  • T + 30 min: rocket cellular GPS out of range
  • T + 4 hr: rocket GPS cellular radio signal received
  • T + 24 hr: main GPS active tracking window ended, no update on location, possible loss of payload
  • T + 1 week: GPS ping received from main payload!

Through many setbacks during design, testing and the mission, we recovered both payloads with all data and reusable equipment intact. The mission was a success, one that exceeded expectations of our members and faculty advisors given the complexity of the problem, the limited budget and tools, and the compressed timeline.


Why This Matters


This was the project that revealed to me what I love: using technology to serve and enable humanity. None of this technical solution would've mattered if not for its potential to help inspire younger students to take on what seemed impossible. 

I stand firmly at the center of technology, business, and design. My passions for human-centered design/UX, technological innovations, leadership, and showmanship are facets of one coherent vision: a world where technology serves humanity, and humanity finds purpose.