It’s a matter of time

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro Max - 2020-09-27 at 18.04.17.png

Giving meaning to time

We all get the occasional reminder of the passage of time. “Can you believe it’s been X years since we did Y?”

We struggle to put life in perspective when time is so intangible. The past feels closer than it is, and the future nebulous and unthinkably far. We all know that life is short, and that what we do now shapes our future, but such reminders are rare and their effects transient.

Living a better life

It’s a humbling experience to see our connection to our past, and we make better decisions when we think of our future.

I wanted to create a simple tool for myself and for all to live a better life, a tool that visualizes time with personal significance. This is 78Years.


Built with new technologies







As usual, Ben and I learned the latest technologies to build our app. This was the first project using SwiftUI, WidgetKit, SiriKit, Extensions, and Core Data.